Palo Alto Online - Lasting Memories - Judy Shulman's remembrances

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Judy Shulman
Jan. 8, 1941-Jan. 14, 2021
Stanford, California
From Mary Felstiner
Jan. 23, 2021

Judy was surely the most loving and generous person anyone could imagine – an active participant in community groups and a profound friend. She and Myra Strober and I used to meet For breakfast every month at Joanie's Café on California Ave., Palo Alto, to exchange stories, thoughts, ideas, and life experiences. She always ordered pancakes and syrup, and I vow that I will take up her habit from now on. It's hard to be missing Judy so much, but it's not hard to keep her image and her spirit alive, since it imbued every person and place that her life touched. If there's a heaven, Judy is up there, laughing and talking, and probably dropping goodies down on the rest of us.

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